February 9, 2004

Starting off "V" week... Today we began our letter of the week routine again. I must say I am happy to be back. Being that Rhiannon is very into Volcanoes as of late and it is Valentine's Day I thought we would start off with V . We went to the library last week and cleared out books on V subjects.

We began the morning with a review of the letter and it's sound. Using the whiteboard easel we write out words that began with V and then the kids drew pictures. Some f our intial list the kids thought up were: Vivaldi, vet, volcano, darth vader, valentine, and violin. Their pictures were fun. We also added vulture, vampire bat, and vice-president. We reviewed who the vice president and president were. We talked briefly about the role of the VP.

Then we did some computer time reviewing the picture dictionary for the letter V. An excellent resource. We printed out coloring pictures and covered half of the entries listed here. Then it was off for reading time. We read books on volcanoes and veterinarians and the Velveteen Rabbit.

The kids went outside with Serona who stayed home today and they went sledding on the hill in our yard and ran around to expend energy. They came inside and we did a volcano experiment. A real basic one that can be found here. Then lunch and naps.

After lunch Rhiannon spent her reading time reading several Bob books to Sirah and Ciaran and then putting letters together on the fridge and trying to sound them out. They had an afternoon of free play time and then a few more books this evening. Tomorrow we will pick up with math and music. They of course listened to Vivaldi and today instead of Monet I let them look at Van Gogh in true V theme.

Hope you are having a great day,

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