February 12, 2004

Valentine's Day Party and Volume... We had our homeschool class Valentine Party. 14 kids, a drumset, a piano and lots of loudness later - my head is pounding and I just want to crawl into bed! The kids however had a great time. They exchanged valentines (many were homemade) an decorated cookies. They played and some listened to a Valentine's Day story. The moms had an opportunity to chat (what we could hear of each other over the drums) and it was nice.

I was amazed at the different level of noise tolerance people have - I was at my edge and there were some there who did not seem bothered at all. And I used to think I had a high threshold for noise! Anyway it is currently quiet time in the house and I think I will head off to the library this afternoon if they get wild again - I just need peace.


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