September 14, 2009

5th Grade Schedule

I just finished up our template schedules for the year. Each year I plan out the weeks for the kids the Saturday or Sunday before the school week. I grid it out in a simple table with the subjects and days of the week. In each cell I write the assignment for the day. The kids receive the schedule on Monday morning and can plan out their week accordingly. Once I have the template and first week assignment done, it is easy for me to modify each week. I save each week under a different filename (typically the Monday date) and at the end of the year we have a complete record of the work they did, it is pretty handy for record keeping.

My kids like this system because it gives them some control and a visual depiction of where they are in their school week. I also add in sports, field trips and outside activities so they can plan accordingly. The younger ones like to color in the boxes they finish and I always let them work ahead if they want but not fall behind more than one subject per day (and it must come out even at the end of the week) I can easily check their schedules when they request play dates or special privelages and see where they are at.

This year I am adding in an extra step, I am going to place a check in the box after I have reviewed the work to try to keep my accountable and so I don't fall behind in checking their assignments either. It is very easy to do and I find my kids appreciate it and school runs smoother when we have it.

This is Maria's schedule for 5th grade. It looks neater in the actual format, with pretty boxes etc. I abbreviate the different textbooks and include page numbers or lesson numbers where needed. Also we typically work on a 4 day work week and leave friday for activities, field trips, coop and any leftover work they have not finished.

SUBJECT Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Bible devotional memory devotional memory coop
PE swim circuit jogging walking swim
Math lesson 7 lesson 8 lesson 9 review 1 lesson 10
Writing lesson 2 letter to family
Grammar lesson 14 lesson 15
Spelling 15 mins 15 mins
Science weather experiments
History lesson 46 lesson 46
Geography continents review mapping
Art art class picture study
Music mozart guitar guitar lesson guitar guitar
Foreign Language french latin
Blogging 3 posts this week
Logic lesson 2
Literature door in the wall
Activities swim swim church beekeeping field trip swim

That gives you a basic feel for a week of her schedule. Ciaran has a similar schedule with a few less subjects and some topics we only do once a week for him. In general all the kids do PE, math, reading, handwriting, and language arts every day and alternate all the rest of the subjects through the week.


  1. Is this different than previous years? Did Maria want specific times for each subject, too?
    This is the kind of schedule I do (without times), when I do schedules. ;-)

  2. I enjoy seeing other homeschoolers schedules. It always gives me fresh ideas.
