I was on my way out the door to return some library books and pick up some on the reserve shelf. Ciaran gently asks me if he can go with me. It is 10 minutes before bedtime and we are all recovering from the flu. I say no. I start to say "Don't worry I'm not getting new books," then I recovered and looked at him and said "OK you know that's not true" but I'll be sure to pick some good ones and headed out the door.
I arrive at the library with a bag full to return, confident this time I will manage to return more than I check out. I figure I am alone, I don't have to worry about what the kids will sneak in the bag. In reality I still walked out with as many books as my bag would hold, this time just 29 books. Five of them were for me and the rest were story books and readers for the kids. I felt almost guilty leaving the library with a bag fuller than when I arrived. But we really do read them all so why feel guilty? Why not just embrace the benefits of the public library that our family loves so?
I will admit I have had over 100 books checked out at a time often between the two library systems we use. But if you have looked at our reading lists you know we read them. And anyone who frequents the library with young children is well aware of that blissful few hours after you return when you hear nothing but silence and the turning of pages or a solitary voice reading aloud to a captivated audience. The joy of new books!
I arrived home and filled our library cube with new goodies knowing what tomorrow will bring. I even sneaked into Ciaran's room with a handful of new readers to show him. He asked "Can I please read you one now, like a bedtime story from me?" - Who can resist the sweetness of that and I crawled into bed with him and listened to Amelia Bedilia Play Ball. I loved his smiles and giggles at all the silly things she does. He read the whole book to Sirah (who could not resist the temptation of a story and came in from her bed) and I. As I tucked them all in again for the night, including more last drinks, prayers and hugs I was content. I went to turn out Ciaran's light and he said "Please can I just read one chapter book more to myself tonight?" Of course you know the answer to that. Resistance is Futile!
Enjoy a good book with your children,
Great post! Every time I've been to library in the last few months I've vowed to take out less than we brought back and only once have I managed to do it :) Books are one thing I just can't say no to!
ReplyDeleteI see no matter how under the weather your family is reading only increases. It is great that your family is so addicted to reading. Give everyone hugs and kisses from me.
ReplyDeleteFamily Forever
It is great when kids love books. We just read Charlotte's Web for family time... wonderful book!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to see that some things never change...I can remember hearing you and your brothers beg to read another chapter or another story until the lights went out...I even can remember you reading under the covers with a flashlight. I am glad that I could pass on my loving of reading with my children and now my grandchildren. I can not imagine a world without reading. As a child I became an avid reader and loved to get lost in the stories and the characters as they transported me to another world and places I could only imagine of... there is no greater joy than reading a book that you can not put down because you have to read another page, another chapter. The book store and yarn store are weaknesses for the both of us..as we can never leave either one without large bags full of new books or yarn to take us on new adventures or new achievements..there could be worse vises remember. Unlike your obession with the library I am sure that your father would appreciate that I discover the library again instead of owning all my books...but they make me happy and I feel like I am surrounded by old friends...Keep reading and exploring the joys of it...Love Mom