Ok so I am slow moving this year but I have decided to post our reading lists again since I have been asked by many to do so. Formatting may not be the best but it will have to do.
10 Cool Things About Being a Ring Bearer Penelope Colville Paine
10 Neat Things About Being a Flower Girl Penelope Colville Paine
A Baby's First Bible
A Dragon in a Wagon (Magic Castle Readers Language Arts) Jane Belk Moncure
A Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln (Picture Book Biography) David A. Adler
A Sip of Aesop Jane Yolen; Aesop
ABC (The Anne Geddes Collection) Anne Geddes
Abraham Lincoln (Let Freedom Ring: Civil War Biographies) Lora Polack Oberle
Abraham Lincoln (Welcome Books: Real People (Sagebrush)) Pamela Walker;
Abraham Lincoln: Our Sixteenth President (Our Presidents) Sarah Bowler
Abuela (English Edition with Spanish Phrases) Arthur Dorros
Alaska (Welcome to the U.S.a.) Ann Heinrichs
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Judith Viorst
Allergies (Rookie Read-About Health) Sharon Gordon
Ambulances (Pebble Books) Marcia S. Freeman
An Anteater Named Arthur Bernard Waber
Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti (An Owlet Book) Gerald McDermott
Animal Babies in Ponds and Rivers Jennifer Schofield
Animal Noises (Copy Cats Spinner Board Books) Richard Powell
Antelope (True Books: Animals) Melissa Stewart
Apples (True Books-Food & Nutrition) Elaine Landau; Children's Press
Are You a Frog? (Touch and Learn) noeline cassettari
Argentina (Countries) Kate A. Conley
Around and Around (Rookie Read-About Science) Patricia J. Murphy
Australia (Rookie Read-About Geography) Allan Fowler
Baby Alligator (All Aboard Reading) Ginjer L. Clarke;
Baby's Boat Jeanne Titherington
Bedtime for Frances Russell Hoban
Bible ABC Eric Metaxas
Big red barn Margaret Wise, 1910- Brown
Bless the Lord: The 103rd Psalm (Illustrated Psalms) Johannah Bluedorn
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Bill Martin Jr.
Bunny's Bedtime Helen Rossendale
Calico Cow Learns How (Read-to-Me Puppet Buddies) Lois Keffer
Come Aboard Noah's Ark Floor Puzzle julie downing
How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? Jane Yolen; Mark Teague
Curious George and the Dinosaur Margret Rey
Curious George and the Hot Air Balloon H. A. Rey;
Curious George Goes to the Beach H. A. Rey;
Digging Up Dinosaurs Aliki
Disney Winnie the Pooh Learning Shapes Disney
DK Readers: Wild Baby Animals (Level 1: Beginning to Read) Karen Wallace
Follow that flea! Stephen Mooser
Fun and Games in Colonial America (Colonial America) Mark Thomas
Giggle, giggle, quack Doreen Cronin
God is Bigger than the Boogie Man Cindy Kenney; Bryan Ballinger; Inc. Big Idea
God Made You Special Eric Metaxas; Bryan Ballinger; Inc. Big Idea
Going to Sleep on the Farm Wendy Cheyette Lewison
Good Morning, Good Night!: ATouch & Feel Bedtime Book Melanie Mitchell
There's a Wocket in My Pocket! Dr. Suess
HOME FOR A BUNNY Margaret Wise Brown
Homes in Colonial America (Welcome Books) Mark Thomas
I am playing Mercer Mayer
I'd Be Your Princess: A Royal Tale of Godly Character Kathryn O'Brien
If You Give a Pig a Pancake (If You Give...) Laura Numeroff
I'm Kaitlyn!: I Have Important Jobs to Do Crystal Bowman
Look What Came from Australia (Look What Came from) Kevin Davis
Lucky Pup's Christmas ken brown
Lucy's Winter Tale Amy Ehrlich
Mama Do You Love Me BB 03 (Cust) Barbara M. Joosse
Mama's Wild Child/papa's Wild Child Dianna Hutts Aston
Miss Spider's Tea Party: The Counting Book (Miss Spider) david kirk
My "E" Book (My First Steps to Reading) Jane Belk Moncure
My A Book Jane Belk Moncure
My Angel and Me Tom McGrew; Hugh Penton; David Meade
My Ears (Furgang, Kathy. My Body.) Kathy Furgang
My Mom's Great (Great Relatives)
Oh, Say Can You Say? (Beginner Books(R)) Dr. Seuss; Dr Seuss; Seuss
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Dr. Seuss;
Ours Brun, Dis-Moi / Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Eric Carle
Owl Babies Martin Waddell; Patrick Benson
Put me in the zoo Robert Lopshire
Radio Rescue Lynne Barasch
Richard Scarry's Longest Counting Parade Ever! Richard Scarry
Sailor Moo: Cow at Sea (Golden Kite Honors (Awards)) Lisa Wheeler; Ponder Goembel
Tell Me What We Did Today Rick Kupchella; Warren Hanson
Ten Apples up on Top dr suess
Ten Little Ladybugs Melanie Gerth; Laura Huliska-Beith
Ten Little Monkeys (Spanish Edition) Danny Brooks Dalby
The American Wei Marion Hess Pomeranc; Pomeranc
The Lamb and the Butterfly (Blue Ribbon Book) Arnold Sundgaard
The Life and Times of the Apple Charles Micucci
The Runaway Bunny Margaret Wise Brown
The Story of Jonah (Dorling Kindersley) nadine wickenden
The Trow-Wife's Treasure Olivier Dunrea
The Water Hole Graeme Base
The Wheels on the Bus Paul Zelinsky; Paul O. Zelinsky; Paul O Zelinsky
The Wretched Stone Chris Van Allsburg
Today I Feel Silly: And Other Moods That Make My Day Jamie Lee Curtis
Touch And Feel Bible Stories (Touch and Feel (Readers Digest)) Beverly Larson
Touch and Feel: Kitten (Touch and Feel) DK Publishing; Kindersley Dorling
Uncover the Human Body: An Uncover It Book Luann Colombo
What Is An Artist? (Single Titles) Barbara Lehn; Lehn Barbara
What Is An Athlete? (Single Titles) Barbara Lehn; Lehn Barbara
When I Was Little: A Four-Year-Old's Memoir of Her Youth Jamie Lee Curtis
Where do balloons go? Jamie Lee Curtis
Where Lincoln walked Raymond Bial
Who Do You Love?: A Touch And Feel Book Margaret Wang; Melanie Mitchell
You're All My Favorites Sam Mcbratney; Anita Jeram