September 22, 2011
Finding a New Normal
This year is a new experience for us home schooling. I am working part time outside of the home for the first time since we began this journey. I have done some outside teaching all along at home school groups but the kids have always been with me in their other classes. Now I am back teaching in the college classroom as an adjunct, teaching a high school debate class and doing ACT tutoring. The kids are in 7th, 5th and 3rd grade. Life is very busy. We are learning to create new routines. We are finding our new normal.
This is also our first year without an active home school cooperative. After 8 years with home school coops it feels odd to not have a place we all go and do something together. The kids are taking a gym class each week at the time of our old coop and Maria is taking a weekly Spanish class at a home school tutoring center. We miss Academy but it was for a season of our life and this is our new season that we are finding peace with now.
I thought I would truly miss the teaching part for myself as I love working with junior and senior high kids. Life has brought me new opportunities and I still get to work with kids other than my own through my tutoring and starting up a local debate academy to teach junior and senior high kids those skills. In addition now I get to work with college students again since I have resumed teaching as an adjunct. I also of course teach my own kids. This year has reminded me of how much I love sharing my knowledge and skills in the area of argument and debate. I realize how much I truly love teaching and coaching and I am thankful for the new opportunities to do so.
September 13, 2011
September 12, 2011
Fun Sparkly Playdough
Fairy Dust Teaching: Galaxy Playdough Enjoy!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2
August 29, 2011
Summer Extension
I planned to start today. The sky is perfectly blue. The weather is warm enough for swimming but gentle beautiful breezes. The curriculum has not all arrived in the mail yet and we only have three days left with the pool with water slides. I think we can start next week and enjoy the beauty of summer and all its fun for just another week.
August 20, 2011
Required Reading List
Harry Potter is well loved in this house. However, my kids did not just get the books whenever and read start to finish. There are many good discussion topics in Harry Potter and I wanted to wait until they were old enough to discuss the books more in full. In addition I wanted them to have read certain other books to be able to refer to in our conversations. I also wanted them to read most of the classics in at least abridged form so we made a deal. They would get to read Harry Potter when they finished what I wanted them to read first. I also wait until they are 10 for the first two books 11 for the next three books and 12 for the final two books. There were lists of books to read before each of these.
Recently some friends asked me to recreate the list of books I required at age 10 and before the first Harry Potter. I do require slightly different books based on gender. Below is Ciaran's list since he is most recent in my memory. My son Ciaran was not what I would call an enthusiastic reader until recently. Still he did read everything required of him as he desired to read Harry Potter. I asked him after he finished the first two books if Harry Potter was worth reading everything I required and he said yes, which honestly surprised me. Of everything he read, the only book he truly hated and trudged through was Hans Brinker. The rest he either liked or said he did not mind in the end, even if he was reluctant to start it.
When a "classic" title is listed I only required the abridged Great Illustrated Classic version. If you are unfamiliar with this books series, get familiar with it. A very gentle introduction to the main story of all the classics. I remember reading many as a child and wanted my own kids to read them as well. It makes the transition to reading the unabridged versions much easier for later years. The stories are easy to read, big typset, and a whole page picture for every page of writing. Still the stories are fairly true to the unabridged versions with easier language and a few minor changes overall. They are pretty quick reads even for reluctant readers. This list is not in order he read them - just broken down by category required
Classics Unabridged - 3
Peter Pan
Wind in the Willows
Great Illustrated Classics - 17
Treasure Island
Gulliver's Travels
Around the World in 80 Days
Journey to the Center of the Earth
The Secret Garden
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Swiss Family Robinson
Oliver Twist
Robinson Crusoe
The Time Machine
The Prince and the Pauper
The Jungle Book
Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates
The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle
The Adventures of Hucklberry Finn
General Fiction Required - 11
Indian in the Cupboard - Lynn Banks
Mary Poppins - P.L Travers
The Black Stallion
Black Beauty
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Chocolate Touch
Snow Treasure
Charlottes Web
Bridge to Terabithia
Tuck Everlasting
The Call of the Wild
Recently some friends asked me to recreate the list of books I required at age 10 and before the first Harry Potter. I do require slightly different books based on gender. Below is Ciaran's list since he is most recent in my memory. My son Ciaran was not what I would call an enthusiastic reader until recently. Still he did read everything required of him as he desired to read Harry Potter. I asked him after he finished the first two books if Harry Potter was worth reading everything I required and he said yes, which honestly surprised me. Of everything he read, the only book he truly hated and trudged through was Hans Brinker. The rest he either liked or said he did not mind in the end, even if he was reluctant to start it.
When a "classic" title is listed I only required the abridged Great Illustrated Classic version. If you are unfamiliar with this books series, get familiar with it. A very gentle introduction to the main story of all the classics. I remember reading many as a child and wanted my own kids to read them as well. It makes the transition to reading the unabridged versions much easier for later years. The stories are easy to read, big typset, and a whole page picture for every page of writing. Still the stories are fairly true to the unabridged versions with easier language and a few minor changes overall. They are pretty quick reads even for reluctant readers. This list is not in order he read them - just broken down by category required
Classics Unabridged - 3
Peter Pan
Wind in the Willows
Great Illustrated Classics - 17
Treasure Island
Gulliver's Travels
Around the World in 80 Days
Journey to the Center of the Earth
The Secret Garden
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Swiss Family Robinson
Oliver Twist
Robinson Crusoe
The Time Machine
The Prince and the Pauper
The Jungle Book
Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates
The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle
The Adventures of Hucklberry Finn
General Fiction Required - 11
Indian in the Cupboard - Lynn Banks
Mary Poppins - P.L Travers
The Black Stallion
Black Beauty
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Chocolate Touch
Snow Treasure
Charlottes Web
Bridge to Terabithia
Tuck Everlasting
The Call of the Wild
Series Books Required - 15 with some choice
The entire Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis (7 books)
The Wizard of Oz series - Frank L Baun (5 books of choice)
Little House series (3 books of choice for Ciaran, On the Banks of Plum Creek required)
The entire Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis (7 books)
The Wizard of Oz series - Frank L Baun (5 books of choice)
Little House series (3 books of choice for Ciaran, On the Banks of Plum Creek required)
Book lists,
50 Favorite Picture Books for Kids
I have been thinking about picture book a lot lately. With my youngest being 8 I know our time with these books is waning. Still I cling to and love children's picture books. Every year we buy each child a special picture book for their birthday and for Christmas. We write a short inscription about them and the book inside. It is getting harder to find good picture books that represent them as we already own so many of the good books here in the house. At 11 we switch to buying good quality leather covered books to start their own special book collection to take with them when they move. But back to picture books.
Sirah just had a birthday and I spent awhile looking through the kids books for her. I decided on My Name is Not Isabella by Jennifer Fosberry. This is a sweet book that encourages kids to dream big dreams. In the book the girl pretends to be various famous women in history. It fit Sirah's personality this year and was an encouraging and sweet book.
Still as I was in the bookstore I was struck by how few new good children's books there are. I keep coming back to our old standards even as I read many new books. There are plenty of good pictures but the stories and meanings just do not seem as rich as children's books of past. So I started thinking I would keep a list here of some of my favorite children's books. Feel free to add your own in the comments. I am not ranking the books on this list if they made the list they are good in my mind and well loved in our house.
Miss Rumphius
The Empty Pot
The Story of Ferdinand
Little Bear
Frog and Toad
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble
Salamander Room
Birthday for Frances
Stone Soup
Make way for Ducklings
Blueberry Shoe
Sailor Moo
The Boy Who Changed the World
I'd be your Hero
I'd be your Princess
A Coat for Anna
Seven Silly Eaters
Musical Beds
I Love you the Purplest
Owl Moon
The Bee Tree
The Giving Tree
Quick as a Cricket
The Quiet Place
The Paper Bag Princess
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
The Story about Ping
The Kissing Hand
A Pocket full of Kisses
Butterfly House
If You Give a Moose a Muffin
Bedtime for Frances
The Wretched Stone
Love You Forever
Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good, Very Bad Day
I'm Gonna Like Me
The Mitten
A Chair for my Mother
Guess How Much I Love You
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear
Thanks to You: Wisdom from Mother and Child
Pickles to Pittsburgh
All of Beatrix Potter
Sirah just had a birthday and I spent awhile looking through the kids books for her. I decided on My Name is Not Isabella by Jennifer Fosberry. This is a sweet book that encourages kids to dream big dreams. In the book the girl pretends to be various famous women in history. It fit Sirah's personality this year and was an encouraging and sweet book.
Still as I was in the bookstore I was struck by how few new good children's books there are. I keep coming back to our old standards even as I read many new books. There are plenty of good pictures but the stories and meanings just do not seem as rich as children's books of past. So I started thinking I would keep a list here of some of my favorite children's books. Feel free to add your own in the comments. I am not ranking the books on this list if they made the list they are good in my mind and well loved in our house.
Miss Rumphius
The Empty Pot
The Story of Ferdinand
Little Bear
Frog and Toad
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble
Salamander Room
Birthday for Frances
Stone Soup
Make way for Ducklings
Blueberry Shoe
Sailor Moo
The Boy Who Changed the World
I'd be your Hero
I'd be your Princess
A Coat for Anna
Seven Silly Eaters
Musical Beds
I Love you the Purplest
Owl Moon
The Bee Tree
The Giving Tree
Quick as a Cricket
The Quiet Place
The Paper Bag Princess
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
The Story about Ping
The Kissing Hand
A Pocket full of Kisses
Butterfly House
If You Give a Moose a Muffin
Bedtime for Frances
The Wretched Stone
Love You Forever
Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good, Very Bad Day
I'm Gonna Like Me
The Mitten
A Chair for my Mother
Guess How Much I Love You
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear
Thanks to You: Wisdom from Mother and Child
Pickles to Pittsburgh
All of Beatrix Potter
Questions They Ask - Answers we Find
One of the things I love about raising net-natives is Google. I know it makes things too easy sometimes but overall I think it is great to be able to just answer immediately many of the random curious questions they have. Like today. What is the longest living animal on Earth?
August 16, 2011
I Miss You Too
Thanks to all of you who have emailed and left comments here sharing that you miss me and my regular writing. I miss connecting with all of you and I miss my writing here as well. It is hard to think about the fact that I have been blogging here for over 8 years, with more consistency some years than others. The past few years have been busy and my writing pursuits have been elsewhere. I spent a lot of time working on writing a book only to abandon it as the time has passed for such a book. Perhaps I will one day write another. I have been busy teaching, raising a family and doing all that goes with it.
Recently I thought back quite a few years to when I regularly posted reading lists, something I have come to discover many of you actually loved about this blog. During that time I wondered at all the "how in the world?" type comments I received about the amount of reading we did. At the time I thought to myself it is because that is the choice we make, not realizing how hard that choice can sometimes be to make. Flash forward quite a few years - to the living in the car phase of homeschooling and I realize how hard it can be to make time for read alouds and even finding the time to make the kids read on their own. It is hard but I still say it is possible.
We still read a lot. The kids read on their own more than I read aloud now but we still probably read more than the average household as I still require at least one hour of reading every day by all my kids once they reach 2nd grade. Sirah recently told me I was a "tiger mother" when it comes to reading and I responded with "I can live with that." All of my kids are readers now and all of them will actually admit to enjoying reading now - not a day I was ever sure I would see with two of them :)
My kids recently had to create a list of their favorite books (50 for my 12 year old, 20 for my 10 year old and 5 for my 7 year old) both the 12 and 10 year old had a hard time limiting what would make that list - that made me happy. It also made it worth all the battles we have had over the years about reading: yes you will read even though you don't want to, no you can't have screen time until you read, yes you have to finish that boring book, yes I am serious, no I don't care that your friends don't have to read in the summer, yes you have to finish my list of 30 books I want you to read before you get to read Harry Potter, yes you still have to read an hour a day during the school year and your sports season, yes I am serious you will have to do this until you are 18 and move out of the house. When they move out they can choose to read however they want or to never read again - at least I will be confident they can read anything they want or need to, ever. And if that makes me a tiger mom about reading I can live with that label.
I still keep lists I just never posted them here anymore as I use a software now that does not make it easy and I never realized people missed that. This year I will go back to it. Of course the lists will be shorter as the books are longer now :) You will have to go back a few years for the good picture books and early reader lists. I do miss that time, I miss the read alouds and the hours on end with nothing better to do than read picture books. I think when I am retired I will go to the library and read books to young children on end - my grandchild will hopefully enjoy being read to. It gets harder and harder to make time for read alouds especially once I knew they could all read on their own.
One of my kids fought me hard about reading. I knew the child was ready, but was just purely resistant. I could not figure out why. I pushed, I cajoled, I offered carrots, I withheld privelages, nothing seemed to convince this capable child to read. Finally I got an answer to why the child did not want to read. I was told there was a fear I would stop reading aloud once the child was reading. This child truly loved listening to me read out loud so had decided to simply wait to read on their own, no matter what. How did I get such stubborn kids :) I promised I would continue to read aloud (and I have) and the child agreed to read and reads well alone now.
Why am I spending so much time talking about reading tonight? It is on my mind and heart as I think about this blog and about approaching a new year of home schooling. As I wrote their schedules today I worked a half hour of reading (my choice) into their school day every day and they will still need to do an additional half hour in the evenings (their choice), and yes they have to read on weekends too. I am getting excited thinking about what books I will pick for their required reading this year. I think if my children will remember anything about school with me it will be the emphasis on reading. Why am I such a stickler for reading? It is because I believe if you can read well you can learn anything. You can find the answer to any question. The world opens up to you as does the fantasy realm.
I look around and I smile when I see kids carrying ereaders because I know for some of them it means they will read more. I know for others it likely means they were already avid readers with desperate parents trying to find a better solution. I smile and compliment kids when I see them reading in public, I ask them about their books and I am truly interested when I listen to them talk about them. I often recommend books to kids based on what they are currently reading. I ask them for their recommendations and listen to them. I host book clubs and read the books with the kids - I am up to over 60 books read for my kids book club discussions. I love seeing kids love reading. I wish I could help all adults feel the same way. I cherish my reading friends and always love their recommendations. I just finished reading Unbroken and Mindset both recommended and enjoyed - even though I would not have picked them up on my own. My own reading time is some of my favorite time.
I have started keeping track of books I have read and have been going back and trying to write down and recall all of them. I simply can't recall them all. I am up over 6000 books recalled. No that is a list I don't think I am going to share. I can only imagine what honest glimpses into my soul that list would give as well as the random and wrong assumptions people could make about me from just seeing the list. I did not love everything I read but I am thankful to have read so much good, bad, ugly and life changing. Each book has left an imprint on my life. I have encouraged my kids to keep track of their reads throughout their lives as well. It was my own parents love of reading that inspired me to read. I grew up seeing them read, reading myself and we all still read today. May my children and their children on down learn to love reading. May you and yours as well!
Thanks for listening to my ramblings to those of you who just stopped by for the first time and those of you who have been around for the duration of this blog. I have heard your requests and the book lists will return as will some occasional thoughts from me.
Recently I thought back quite a few years to when I regularly posted reading lists, something I have come to discover many of you actually loved about this blog. During that time I wondered at all the "how in the world?" type comments I received about the amount of reading we did. At the time I thought to myself it is because that is the choice we make, not realizing how hard that choice can sometimes be to make. Flash forward quite a few years - to the living in the car phase of homeschooling and I realize how hard it can be to make time for read alouds and even finding the time to make the kids read on their own. It is hard but I still say it is possible.
We still read a lot. The kids read on their own more than I read aloud now but we still probably read more than the average household as I still require at least one hour of reading every day by all my kids once they reach 2nd grade. Sirah recently told me I was a "tiger mother" when it comes to reading and I responded with "I can live with that." All of my kids are readers now and all of them will actually admit to enjoying reading now - not a day I was ever sure I would see with two of them :)
My kids recently had to create a list of their favorite books (50 for my 12 year old, 20 for my 10 year old and 5 for my 7 year old) both the 12 and 10 year old had a hard time limiting what would make that list - that made me happy. It also made it worth all the battles we have had over the years about reading: yes you will read even though you don't want to, no you can't have screen time until you read, yes you have to finish that boring book, yes I am serious, no I don't care that your friends don't have to read in the summer, yes you have to finish my list of 30 books I want you to read before you get to read Harry Potter, yes you still have to read an hour a day during the school year and your sports season, yes I am serious you will have to do this until you are 18 and move out of the house. When they move out they can choose to read however they want or to never read again - at least I will be confident they can read anything they want or need to, ever. And if that makes me a tiger mom about reading I can live with that label.
I still keep lists I just never posted them here anymore as I use a software now that does not make it easy and I never realized people missed that. This year I will go back to it. Of course the lists will be shorter as the books are longer now :) You will have to go back a few years for the good picture books and early reader lists. I do miss that time, I miss the read alouds and the hours on end with nothing better to do than read picture books. I think when I am retired I will go to the library and read books to young children on end - my grandchild will hopefully enjoy being read to. It gets harder and harder to make time for read alouds especially once I knew they could all read on their own.
One of my kids fought me hard about reading. I knew the child was ready, but was just purely resistant. I could not figure out why. I pushed, I cajoled, I offered carrots, I withheld privelages, nothing seemed to convince this capable child to read. Finally I got an answer to why the child did not want to read. I was told there was a fear I would stop reading aloud once the child was reading. This child truly loved listening to me read out loud so had decided to simply wait to read on their own, no matter what. How did I get such stubborn kids :) I promised I would continue to read aloud (and I have) and the child agreed to read and reads well alone now.
Why am I spending so much time talking about reading tonight? It is on my mind and heart as I think about this blog and about approaching a new year of home schooling. As I wrote their schedules today I worked a half hour of reading (my choice) into their school day every day and they will still need to do an additional half hour in the evenings (their choice), and yes they have to read on weekends too. I am getting excited thinking about what books I will pick for their required reading this year. I think if my children will remember anything about school with me it will be the emphasis on reading. Why am I such a stickler for reading? It is because I believe if you can read well you can learn anything. You can find the answer to any question. The world opens up to you as does the fantasy realm.
I look around and I smile when I see kids carrying ereaders because I know for some of them it means they will read more. I know for others it likely means they were already avid readers with desperate parents trying to find a better solution. I smile and compliment kids when I see them reading in public, I ask them about their books and I am truly interested when I listen to them talk about them. I often recommend books to kids based on what they are currently reading. I ask them for their recommendations and listen to them. I host book clubs and read the books with the kids - I am up to over 60 books read for my kids book club discussions. I love seeing kids love reading. I wish I could help all adults feel the same way. I cherish my reading friends and always love their recommendations. I just finished reading Unbroken and Mindset both recommended and enjoyed - even though I would not have picked them up on my own. My own reading time is some of my favorite time.
I have started keeping track of books I have read and have been going back and trying to write down and recall all of them. I simply can't recall them all. I am up over 6000 books recalled. No that is a list I don't think I am going to share. I can only imagine what honest glimpses into my soul that list would give as well as the random and wrong assumptions people could make about me from just seeing the list. I did not love everything I read but I am thankful to have read so much good, bad, ugly and life changing. Each book has left an imprint on my life. I have encouraged my kids to keep track of their reads throughout their lives as well. It was my own parents love of reading that inspired me to read. I grew up seeing them read, reading myself and we all still read today. May my children and their children on down learn to love reading. May you and yours as well!
Thanks for listening to my ramblings to those of you who just stopped by for the first time and those of you who have been around for the duration of this blog. I have heard your requests and the book lists will return as will some occasional thoughts from me.
Book lists,
June 1, 2011
Been Awhile
The school year is done. In some ways it is hard to believe I have been home schooling for 7 years. Changes are ahead for our family though homeschooling will still continue. Today is the launch of my husband's new company and the mark of a new adventure in our life.
Summer pace has arrived. The kids have a little work left to finish up from the year if they did not finish their books. Two are working on math, one spelling and one grammar, one child was finished by the first week of May. The summer reading bin is filled, card and board games are being played with much more frequency, our hammock is well loved and the bikes are dusted off and being used regularly. Life is good.
Summer pace has arrived. The kids have a little work left to finish up from the year if they did not finish their books. Two are working on math, one spelling and one grammar, one child was finished by the first week of May. The summer reading bin is filled, card and board games are being played with much more frequency, our hammock is well loved and the bikes are dusted off and being used regularly. Life is good.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9
January 18, 2011
Mommy Break
This year in order to keep my spirits up this winter and to see my friends I have begun opening my home up on Tuesday nights for friends to come visit and just be with other women. I provide drinks, couches and a table and the occasional food and they just come as they are. Many are home school moms and I am enjoying providing an easy space for people to get away and connect with one another.
As homeschool parents I think we often let ourselves fall to the end of the list and forget to take care of ourselves and meet our personal needs. This year I am trying harder to meet those needs and remember to take time for me. I hope by offering my home I encourage other friends to do the same for themselves.
Be gentle on yourself today - you deserve it.
As homeschool parents I think we often let ourselves fall to the end of the list and forget to take care of ourselves and meet our personal needs. This year I am trying harder to meet those needs and remember to take time for me. I hope by offering my home I encourage other friends to do the same for themselves.
Be gentle on yourself today - you deserve it.
January 17, 2011
We Shall Overcome
Today was Martin Luther King Jr. day - we celebrated by doing school and learning a lot about his life. When my kids began their complaining about being forced to school while the neighbors were outside sledding I had a momentary laughable moment in my mind. Thankfully I did not laugh out loud, though I did ask them when they last had school on a Friday? They could not remember - nor will they have one coming up soon. I reminded them how long our Christmas break was, when we start and finish our school year typically and how many snow afternoons they have. They grew quiet in case they were about to lose any of those benefits and settled back into work.
It was a very productive day - we did only math for a core subject and two of the kids did theirs on the computer :) As I am typically a stickler for certain daily core subjects (math, spelling, writing, reading, grammar, and logic for the older students) this was quite a shock to their system. We began the day with science simply because Sirah brought me that book first and asked me to start reading. We learned about various bodily systems (excretory, muscle, skeletal and digestive), and basic botany introduction. There actually was a link but it would take to long to write. The kids then wanted to have some free experiment time so I made myself a cup of coffee and gave them a half hour with strict instructions to clean up their messes. A half hour later I returned to a room that now smelled of vinegar but to their credit was clean again.
We settled into our main lesson for the day, the life and work of Martin Luther King. I do different things on different years but this year I read aloud the book "If you lived at the time of Martin Luther King by Ellen Levine. It is a very good book which pays excellent attention to detail but still reads in a way that keeps their attention. My kids are now 7, 9 and 11. This was an introduction to some hard topics for my 7 year old but she seemed to take them in stride well enough through our discussion time. I spent the better part of 2 hours reading this book to them, stopping at times to discuss topics, answer questions, watch the actual footage from the "I have a dream" speech and learn the song "We Shall Overcome". During that time they built things with Legos and Lincoln Logs while they learned. While listening to the song Maria said to me "I never realized it before but Fields of Athenry is really similar to this only Irish" I could see her mind making the connections and just left her to them for the moment.
After the lesson a much needed sledding with the neighbors break was had by all the kids while I had my cup of tea and lunch. We returned to school and I began with an open time for them to ask questions or discuss whatever they wanted from the morning and then the older two kids had to work on their main assignment - creating their own version of I have a dream. Maria had to write a one page essay outlining a problem in the world that needs our attention and outline what she can do and what society needs to do to help overcome it. Ciaran had the same assignment only he had to give an oral report rather than write an essay. She choose reducing fossil fuels and he chose reducing deforestation, they did not know each others topics and had choice of anything they wanted. While they worked on that Sirah finished up her other book work and reading for the day.
They will not admit it but I think they are glad we did school today. They still got to sled, ice skate, play video games and read for leisure just like the neighbors. In addition though they learned something new and were excited to think about the possibilities of how it could be applied in their lives. Sirah made some important connections between today's lessons and the ones we recently did during our Enlightenment studies and what it means to be a leader and speak truth in a world that seems incapable of hearing or believing it. As I sat in my chair listening to her young mind ask pointed questions and draw lines between today's lesson and lessons from last week without prompting I was reminded of how little credit we give kids sometimes. For a 7 year old to see parallels between Galileo and Martin Luther King Jr is no small feat, yet it is also not an incredible one for kids can tune in to truths and lessons we sometimes overlook as adults. Children have a way of processing information and seeing connections to their own lives in ways we sometimes lose sight of as we go about trying to earn more knowledge or recall what we already know. As I watch my children learn and discuss even the heaviest of topics I see how they make it personal to relate to it and understand it and how that trait perhaps helps them remember other parts of history and see connections often lost on people looking at the tree and forgetting they are in a forest.
As we closed the lesson today I asked my kids if they feel our society has moved to a point where children are judged on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. They were quiet for a moment and said well we don't have separate drinking fountains, buses and the like anymore and President Obama is our leader. Sirah piped up that she was glad she could hold hands with all her friends and go places together as they grew older. Maria seemed quiet and did not answer I think she is old enough to understand the question is more complicated that it first seems. We have come a long way and we need to still remember that We Shall One Day Overcome"
Thanks you Dr. King for all you did for me, for my children, for our nation, for our collective wisdom. May we not only never forget your work and the lessons you imparted to us but may we always pick up the torch and carry it forth and pass it to our children and ask them to do the same.
It was a very productive day - we did only math for a core subject and two of the kids did theirs on the computer :) As I am typically a stickler for certain daily core subjects (math, spelling, writing, reading, grammar, and logic for the older students) this was quite a shock to their system. We began the day with science simply because Sirah brought me that book first and asked me to start reading. We learned about various bodily systems (excretory, muscle, skeletal and digestive), and basic botany introduction. There actually was a link but it would take to long to write. The kids then wanted to have some free experiment time so I made myself a cup of coffee and gave them a half hour with strict instructions to clean up their messes. A half hour later I returned to a room that now smelled of vinegar but to their credit was clean again.
We settled into our main lesson for the day, the life and work of Martin Luther King. I do different things on different years but this year I read aloud the book "If you lived at the time of Martin Luther King by Ellen Levine. It is a very good book which pays excellent attention to detail but still reads in a way that keeps their attention. My kids are now 7, 9 and 11. This was an introduction to some hard topics for my 7 year old but she seemed to take them in stride well enough through our discussion time. I spent the better part of 2 hours reading this book to them, stopping at times to discuss topics, answer questions, watch the actual footage from the "I have a dream" speech and learn the song "We Shall Overcome". During that time they built things with Legos and Lincoln Logs while they learned. While listening to the song Maria said to me "I never realized it before but Fields of Athenry is really similar to this only Irish" I could see her mind making the connections and just left her to them for the moment.
After the lesson a much needed sledding with the neighbors break was had by all the kids while I had my cup of tea and lunch. We returned to school and I began with an open time for them to ask questions or discuss whatever they wanted from the morning and then the older two kids had to work on their main assignment - creating their own version of I have a dream. Maria had to write a one page essay outlining a problem in the world that needs our attention and outline what she can do and what society needs to do to help overcome it. Ciaran had the same assignment only he had to give an oral report rather than write an essay. She choose reducing fossil fuels and he chose reducing deforestation, they did not know each others topics and had choice of anything they wanted. While they worked on that Sirah finished up her other book work and reading for the day.
They will not admit it but I think they are glad we did school today. They still got to sled, ice skate, play video games and read for leisure just like the neighbors. In addition though they learned something new and were excited to think about the possibilities of how it could be applied in their lives. Sirah made some important connections between today's lessons and the ones we recently did during our Enlightenment studies and what it means to be a leader and speak truth in a world that seems incapable of hearing or believing it. As I sat in my chair listening to her young mind ask pointed questions and draw lines between today's lesson and lessons from last week without prompting I was reminded of how little credit we give kids sometimes. For a 7 year old to see parallels between Galileo and Martin Luther King Jr is no small feat, yet it is also not an incredible one for kids can tune in to truths and lessons we sometimes overlook as adults. Children have a way of processing information and seeing connections to their own lives in ways we sometimes lose sight of as we go about trying to earn more knowledge or recall what we already know. As I watch my children learn and discuss even the heaviest of topics I see how they make it personal to relate to it and understand it and how that trait perhaps helps them remember other parts of history and see connections often lost on people looking at the tree and forgetting they are in a forest.
As we closed the lesson today I asked my kids if they feel our society has moved to a point where children are judged on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. They were quiet for a moment and said well we don't have separate drinking fountains, buses and the like anymore and President Obama is our leader. Sirah piped up that she was glad she could hold hands with all her friends and go places together as they grew older. Maria seemed quiet and did not answer I think she is old enough to understand the question is more complicated that it first seems. We have come a long way and we need to still remember that We Shall One Day Overcome"
Thanks you Dr. King for all you did for me, for my children, for our nation, for our collective wisdom. May we not only never forget your work and the lessons you imparted to us but may we always pick up the torch and carry it forth and pass it to our children and ask them to do the same.
January 14, 2011
Some of the best gifts of home schooling come in the conversations I have with my children. Sometimes I wish I could just remember all the details later to share. We recently discussed taxes in the car driving to a swimming practice. What they are, why we have them, what they are used for. We talked about the difference between state, local, and federal taxes and the various random taxes we pay. This started because I got pulled over by a police officer for not having renewed my tabs and paid the state their yearly tax for my car. The police officer was grace filled and just gave me a written warning and I have since fulfilled my citizenry duty and the state can once again be happy with me. I simply forgot and was in fact 14 days late.
Yesterday while learning about Galileo, Newton and Locke in history we talked at length about what it means to speak truth into a world not ready to hear it. We discussed power, knowledge, enlightenment, and how to still be honest and direct if it means you lose friends and influence. We discussed the various ways those in authority tend to try to keep people with different opinions from expressing them.
We talked about how the moon may have formed, how microscopes work, how Artemis Fowl uses DNA, and how to build campfires. We discussed how great math is that numbers always work out and tell the truth. We talked about how history goes in cycles and so many wars have been fought over land, power, money or religion. We discussed the difference between a free country and a theocracy. We talked about media bias after discovering samples of it. We discussed the invention of their minds they hope one day may come about - like air hog helicopter that only take one battery and are charged for a whole year, flying cars with a single bulb to power them, hover crafts and zero calorie ice cream that really tastes as good as the real thing but is as good for you as broccoli.
We discuss a lot. As my kids grow this is definitely my favorite part of homeschooling. Conversations. Learning through discussion and debate. Ah, life is good.
Yesterday while learning about Galileo, Newton and Locke in history we talked at length about what it means to speak truth into a world not ready to hear it. We discussed power, knowledge, enlightenment, and how to still be honest and direct if it means you lose friends and influence. We discussed the various ways those in authority tend to try to keep people with different opinions from expressing them.
We talked about how the moon may have formed, how microscopes work, how Artemis Fowl uses DNA, and how to build campfires. We discussed how great math is that numbers always work out and tell the truth. We talked about how history goes in cycles and so many wars have been fought over land, power, money or religion. We discussed the difference between a free country and a theocracy. We talked about media bias after discovering samples of it. We discussed the invention of their minds they hope one day may come about - like air hog helicopter that only take one battery and are charged for a whole year, flying cars with a single bulb to power them, hover crafts and zero calorie ice cream that really tastes as good as the real thing but is as good for you as broccoli.
We discuss a lot. As my kids grow this is definitely my favorite part of homeschooling. Conversations. Learning through discussion and debate. Ah, life is good.
January 7, 2011
The volume of boys
Two girls and a boy ~ our normal makeup. Today though 3 boys filled my house and car and life. Three very energetic and loud boys. Well behaved, polite, good kids, but very full of life and energy and volume. The whole feel to the day is different, filled with wrestling, yelling, pillows flying, one upmanship, competition and of course video games. The noise is joy to my ears and the chaos becomes mere background noise to me because my son is so happy. Boys have brought airsoft, archery, fencing, legos, forts, sledding jumps, skateboard jumps, blowing up things, science projects, frogs, zelda, lightsaber duels, and so much more into our home and my life. Boys are wonderful and easy to please, even if life is just a bit louder when they fill my home.
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January 5, 2011
When They Know Themselves
Homeschooling is definately getting more interesting as they get older and know themselves more and more. I had a great conversation today with my tween daughter. She is in 6th grade now and has begun to develop some strong opinions about her own schooling and the direction it should be going in. The conversation would be suprising with many children but somehow it just seemed to fit her personality. She wanted to know when I would be adding Spanish in to her curriculm and if we could find some more advanced science options. She wanted to discuss ways we could work together to help her find success in memorization of definitions (a weakness of hers in her mind) and to talk about her strengths and weaknesses as a student and strategies to help her overcome areas she wants to. She finished the conversation by asking me if I could please assign her some traditional writing for school, I asked her what she meant and she said "You know normal essay questions like 'Global warming is bad for the planet' or 'Should we repeal Obama's health care plan'. You know things I need to research and have an opinion on and defend and you tell me how many pages to write." I said "Yes I think we can add that to your studies if you want". Who would say no? What kid asks for this?
Then she watched the CNN student news program. An addition to our day I am contemplating making a regular part of our curriculum. We had some interesting discussion about food safety and state budgets and the difference between state and federal rights. Then she asked if her first essay question could be about whether or not schools should move to digital textbooks and started rattling off some of the advantages and disadvantages. She said she also would not mind researching and writing about the debt ceiling and if we should raise it or decrease spending because she had never heard about that before and thinks it is interesting.
Tonight she went down to our library and came upstairs with an advanced math textbook and a college argument textbook and asked if she could read them. I asked why and she said because I think I need to read something with challenging vocabulary and I think these will have good vocabulary but be safe reading material. I asked if she needed some new fiction and she said "No I am in the middle of a series but think this will be good too"
I can't make this stuff up :) Maybe she needs to take a week off swimming and have winter vacation at the same time. She was my most thankful child that we were starting to get back into a rhythm of school and schedules. Homeschooling is certainly getting more interesting :)
January 4, 2011
Fuzzy Minds

Dusting off our brains and getting them back to full speed is taking a bit more of this week than I expected. I suppose a slow start is better than no start. Maybe we need to take down the Christmas tree and dump all the treats from the house so they believe vacation really is over.
Serona just got an XBOX Kinect for his birthday, maybe some gaming time on that will give me some extra motivation and leverage. Nothing like some low dangling fruit to keep things moving along. Maybe time to break out the math games and other edutainment.
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January 3, 2011
Unexpected Monday
I expected today to go rough in the normal Monday after vacation ways. I expected sleeping in, dawdling, slow moving and unmotivated students and I expected some push back and resistance to working. What was unexpected was a three hour trip to the doctor and pharmacy. What was unexpected was finding myself wandering around Target aimlessly for an hour with three school age kids on "the first day back to school" while we waited for our prescriptions to be filled. What was unexpected was starting our school day at 2pm instead of 10am. Then all the expected things still happened and we unexpectedly finished school at 5pm.
By this point in our homeschooling you would think that I would be used to and more adaptable to the unexpected in life. I suppose to a degree I am but I am still surprised each time the unexpected comes my direction. We take it in stride, we adapt, we move forward and we make our best plans for the next day in the hopes that we have planned enough to allow time for the unexpected that seems to often overtake our days. I am hoping this will help my kids be more adaptable later in their lives, or it can down in the annals of their childhood as one more way their lives were so hard.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring, I guess we will just wait and see what the unexpected brings.
By this point in our homeschooling you would think that I would be used to and more adaptable to the unexpected in life. I suppose to a degree I am but I am still surprised each time the unexpected comes my direction. We take it in stride, we adapt, we move forward and we make our best plans for the next day in the hopes that we have planned enough to allow time for the unexpected that seems to often overtake our days. I am hoping this will help my kids be more adaptable later in their lives, or it can down in the annals of their childhood as one more way their lives were so hard.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring, I guess we will just wait and see what the unexpected brings.
January 2, 2011
Quick every day
This year I intend to get back to regular blogging. Posts may be short but I intend to write every day for atleast a year to see if it is time to move on from this blog ofr reenergize it.
In many ways it is hard to write because the interesting things I want to say take a long time and the luxury of time is something I rarely have. I feel short posts will not be worth as much but I am going to give it a whirl. The kids are older now and we are so busy running from place to place so I have installed an app on my phone which updates my blog.
Hope you have a wonderful New Year. Thanks to all of you who have kept reading this blog through its ups and downs and lack of consistency at times. Hard to believe I have been blogging here for 8 years, our entire home school journey. This was my second blog as I started blogging in late 1999, 10 years ago! Many blessings to you and yours.
Kiss those babies and even the teens,
In many ways it is hard to write because the interesting things I want to say take a long time and the luxury of time is something I rarely have. I feel short posts will not be worth as much but I am going to give it a whirl. The kids are older now and we are so busy running from place to place so I have installed an app on my phone which updates my blog.
Hope you have a wonderful New Year. Thanks to all of you who have kept reading this blog through its ups and downs and lack of consistency at times. Hard to believe I have been blogging here for 8 years, our entire home school journey. This was my second blog as I started blogging in late 1999, 10 years ago! Many blessings to you and yours.
Kiss those babies and even the teens,
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
January 1, 2011
Vacation and Routines
I have granted us all a true school free vacation. Several days into it Maria was asking to go back to school and I actually refused for a change. We just really needed a break, she could read more if she wanted and she did. We played games, read, watched movies, played Wii, crafted, slept, sledded, ice skated and just loafed around. It was wonderful, it was restful, it was needed.
Monday we are back to routine or the beginning of a new routine. January always seems to start slowly for us but typically ends up being one of our most productive months since it is so cold here. Outside activities generally don't resume until the end of January so we have time to be just us and to do some field trips that the fall seemed to busy for.
I am trying to be proactive this year about homeschooling in Minnesota in the winter and taking more time for me. When the sun shines on my couch for an hour a day you will find me sitting there. When my alarm reminds me it is time to exercise, you can find me on my treadmill. When the dinner dishes are put away on Tuesday nights my family members will have to make themselves scarce as my home becomes a haven for fellow women to come for some friendship, fun and freedom to escape the winter here. On Thursday mornings my alarm will go off far earlier than I am accustomed to as a dear friend and prayer partner will come to visit with me over coffee. Sometime in this month or the next my feet will touch an ocean and bury my toes in the sand on some beach somewhere. I will find time to pray, to write, to exercise, to rest, to read for fun, to play, to be a friend. It will be a good year.
Monday we are back to routine or the beginning of a new routine. January always seems to start slowly for us but typically ends up being one of our most productive months since it is so cold here. Outside activities generally don't resume until the end of January so we have time to be just us and to do some field trips that the fall seemed to busy for.
I am trying to be proactive this year about homeschooling in Minnesota in the winter and taking more time for me. When the sun shines on my couch for an hour a day you will find me sitting there. When my alarm reminds me it is time to exercise, you can find me on my treadmill. When the dinner dishes are put away on Tuesday nights my family members will have to make themselves scarce as my home becomes a haven for fellow women to come for some friendship, fun and freedom to escape the winter here. On Thursday mornings my alarm will go off far earlier than I am accustomed to as a dear friend and prayer partner will come to visit with me over coffee. Sometime in this month or the next my feet will touch an ocean and bury my toes in the sand on some beach somewhere. I will find time to pray, to write, to exercise, to rest, to read for fun, to play, to be a friend. It will be a good year.
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