Today we celebrate freedom. Today we celebrate our country. Today we celebrate and thank all those who made it possible from those first to all those who have come since and all of us who continue.
Still as we stop and watch fireworks, watch parades, eat watermelon, listen to patriotic music and talk to our kids about what this day means we need to reflect ourselves about what we are doing with that freedom? I love this song that was played at church this past week.
What Did He Die For - Twila Paris
He was twenty-one in 1944
He was hope and he was courage on a lonely shore
Sent there by a mother with love beyond her tears
Just a young American who chose to rise above his fears
And as I watch him struggle up that hill
Without a thought of turning back
I cannot help but wonder
What did he die for?
When he died for you and me
Made the sacrifice
So that we could all be free
I believe we will answer each to heaven
For the way we spend a priceless liberty
Look inside and ask the question
What did he die for?
When he died for me
To the darkest day in A.D. 33
Came the mercy and compassion of eternity
Sent there by a Father with love beyond His tears
Blameless One, the only Son
to bear the guilt of all these years
And as I watch Him struggle up that hill
Without a thought of turning back
I cannot help but wonder
What did He die for?
When He died for you and me
Made the sacrifice
So that we could all be free
I believe we will answer each to heaven
For the way we spend a priceless liberty
Look inside and ask the question
What did he die for?
He died for freedom
He died for love
And all the things we do not pay Him back
Could never be enough
What did He die for?
When He died for you and me
Made the sacrifice
So that we could all be free
I believe we will answer each to heaven
For the way we spend a priceless liberty
Look inside and ask the question
What did he die for?
When He died for me
So today as you reflect on all who have sacrificed for you and your family also reflect on what you are doing with all that freedom and life? What are you teaching your children? What are you passing on to the next generation? What else can you do? What else do you need to do?
I really enjoy the movie National Treasure, I love treasure hunts and I love history and the character Riley is just great comic relief. Still a line from the Declaration of Independence that is cited in that movie still sticks with me and I like to reflect on it from time to time (I have added the sentence before for a more full context):
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
People have worked for us and someday we are called or may be called to work for others. We have a great government (no matter your particular views on political issues) and we have been blessed by so many before us who have been willing to stand up for our freedoms - be thankful for them and do not fritter away those freedoms and privileges.
So today enjoy the holiday to be sure but think a bit more today. Maybe take some time to read the Declaration of Independence yourself again. Think about what you need to pass on to the future generations.
Personally I will take time today to also thank my God for the freedoms he has granted me and the sacrifices he has made for me. A debt I can never repay. We are not asked to repay but to live - so live and enjoy!
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