January 14, 2006


Well it has been a very long week of recovery. Rhiannon has been a trooper though. Not only did she need to recover from the tonsillectomy but she also needed to fight off a nasty viral infection and keep her hydration up. Her temperature stayed in the 103-104 range from Monday straight through Friday. She coughed up blood, had difficulty drinking, was drained, dizzy and not wanting to walk or do anything. Her mood swings were often intense and it was challenging for all of us.

During this time both Ciaran and Sirah were also sick and we were all working on very little sleep. I am happy to say the fever broke today and Rhia was even up and playing quietly with her siblings. Things seem much better now.

We have so many people to thank for all their help this week. We had families bring meals, families drop by with cards or flowers and even one who brought blueberries and another who brought a smoothie maker over with a meal they prepared for us. One dear friend showed up Friday morning with big laundry baskets and filled them with dirty clothes and returned them today with clean folded laundry. Bless her heart!

Of course my parents were here to help out which was very helpful and Serona has helped out so much after work and on the weekend. It ended up being a much rougher week than I had anticipated. It was clear that we had strong prayer support throughout this time. From my FIL's church, to our own church, from homeschool support group to friends and family - we were covered in prayer. It is the only thing that allows us to make sense of the fact that for 5 straight days after surgery she had a 103-104 temperature, struggled with hydration, coughed up blood and still never needed to be readmitted to the hospital! Thank you for all your prayers and support!

Prayers go out to my future SIL in Cali as she recovers from a tonsillectomy as well. And to my brother as he takes great care of her! I would estimate regular blogging to resume in about another week.


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