March 5, 2006

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe Lesson Three

This is the third lesson in a six part class on "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis. You can read the syllabus, lesson one, and lesson two.

Week Three Lesson

March 3rd:
Assigned Reading: Chapters 9-12, also read at least one human encounter with God from the bible. Some examples to

choose from are Moses and Saul.

Chapter 9

A. Edmund as Fool of the bible
1. Edmund convincing himself he is not sinning p 96-97
While Edmund is walking to the Witch's house, we are treated to a little "explanation" of his thoughts. Edmund tries

to convince himself that the Witch isn't as bad as everyone says, when in reality, he knows she is.

Edmund has been bewitched by the magical Turkish Delight, and is too stubborn to admit that he may have been wrong.

All of this allows us to understand that Edmund is not necessarily a wicked person, just foolish and obstinate.

2. Share personal experiences from their lives of doing that rationalization about behavior or opposition ‘s

real intention

3. Edmund's behavior is inexcusable. He has had plenty of chances to realize the error of his ways and repent,

but still he continues in his childish ways.

4. Edmund is an example of what the book of Proverbs calls a "fool," who does not learn from his mistakes and

does not listen to wise council. As Proverbs 13:19 says, "A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but fools detest

turning from evil." (For more words of wisdom concerning fools and their ways, read Proverbs 12 & 13

5. Read p 103 drawing on the lion and discuss

B. Mythology in Narnia

Witch's half of each p96
Dwarf - 101 (witch's castle)
Satyrs - 104
Spirits of trees (dryads) 105
Dragon - 105

Chapter 10

A. Foreshadowing
1. Coming of Age The children become accustomed to life in Narnia, and welcome the adventures that come their

way. They have never before been adventurers, of course, but they don't seem to have any trouble marching, sleeping

in shifts, and behaving like little soldiers.
2. Upcoming Battle Father Christmas bestows gifts upon the children; a sword and shield for , and bow, quiver,

and horn for Susan, and a vial and small dagger for Lucy. The children are very grateful for these presents, but the

gifts bring with them the promise of an upcoming battle. For all the jollity of the occasion, Father Christmas also

conveys a warning, things are heating up in Narnia, and the children should be ready for some action.
B. Prophecy
1. Definition Prophecy - in a broad sense, is the prediction of future events. But prophecy often implies the

involvement of supernatural phenomena. It is also used as a general term for the revelation of divine will.
2. Christmas in Narnia - prophecy coming true p 116 -117 Father Christmas comes. As Mr. Beaver reminds the

children, the Witch has twisted Narnia so that it is "always winter and never Christmas." The coming of Father

Christmas is the first indication that the Witch's power is waning. This can only mean one thing: Aslan is coming.
3. The end of winter prophecy p85
Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight,
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death,
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.
C. Symbolism of Weapons in Literature
1. Read p 118 and discuss
2. Sword - The names given to many swords in mythology, literature, and history reflect the high prestige of the

weapon, nobility
3. Dagger - secondary defense weapon in close combat
D. Writing idea for personal enrichment
Choose an animal in Narnia and write a few paragraphs about how you think they may spend Christmas. What traditions

they may have. What their day and festivities may look like.

Chapter 11
A. Edmunds Consequences
1. Edmund is not faring well with the Witch. She treats him disdainfully, and when he finally musters up enough

courage to ask for some Turkish Delight, she instead feeds him stale bread and water.
2. Edmund is learning the hard way what happens when you place your trust in someone who is only interested in

looking out for themselves. Since both of them are selfishly seeking their own gain--the Queen by using Edmund to

get to his siblings, Edmund wanting only to eat more Turkish Delight and exact revenge on his siblings--there can be

no co-operation between them.
3. By contrast, Peter, Susan, and Lucy are having a pleasant journey with the Beavers, working as a team and

enjoying each other's company.
B. Coming of Spring - Literary Symbolism - Hope p 131-133
1. For witch - not pleasant. The coming of spring is not such a pleasant prospect for the White Witch. Not only does

it prove that her power is waning and that Aslan is coming, but it also means she cannot ride in her sledge any

longer; she is forced to get out and walk. As the weather continues to grow warmer, flowers peak their heads above

the snow and the streams melt and begin to flow.
2. Traditionally in literature, the arrival of spring coincides with a renewal of hope and high spirits; winter is

over, and life can begin again. Historically, people and cultures have equated spring with resurrection, as new life

rises from the dead ground.
3. For Narnians - In Narnia, the coming of spring means that Aslan is on his way. As to what this means exactly, we

are not yet sure.

C. Edmund's Turning Point - Climax for him
1. P 124 read his section of realization he will not be king
2. Stands up for the fox and squirrel and friends
3. Discussion - He hits rock bottom and finally starts to admit his mistakes to himself and repents. How is

that similar to your own lives?

Chapter 12

Meeting Aslan/Meeting God Parallels
A. Meeting Aslan
1. Read p 139-140 "But as for Aslan himself…through Peter's intro"
2. Kids discuss
3. Their meeting with Aslan is greater and richer than the children could have possibly imagined. He fills them

with happiness and bravery and calms their fears. He is a dominating presence, but a welcome one.
4. Lewis makes it a point to describe Aslan's impact upon the children:
5. Terrible and awesome - What does Lewis mean by this? Usually, when we use the word "terrible" we mean that

something is frightening. But the word has another meaning too that is akin to awesome. In this sentence, C. S.

Lewis is using the word "terrible" in the second sense, Aslan fills the children with awe and they are blown away by

the power of his presence.
6. Does any of this sound familiar to you? It should: similar language is used to describe God in the Old

Testament. In fact, the King James Version uses the word "terrible" to describe God quite a few times. Our God is an

awesome God.
B. Biblical Encounters with God
1. Moses
2. Saul
3. Abraham
C. Personal Encounters with God
1. allow kids to discuss personal experiences
D. Religious Parallels - or metaphor
1. Discuss the similarities and differences of Aslan encounter with a God encounter or a Jesus encounter
2. Does this support LWW as allegory or metaphor, why?
Coming of Age
A. Discuss what it means to come of age
B. Other literary/movie examples
a. Aragon in Lord of the Rings - Land of the dead
b. Frodo in Lord of the Rings
c. Luke Skywalker in Star Wars - battle
d. Lawrence in Lawrence of Arabia - land of the dead
C. Sometimes it is a moment sometimes it is a process
D. Read p 143 "Let the prince win his spurs." And again from p145 "You have forgotten to clean your sword to

the end"
E. Discuss Peters' Coming of Age, compare/contrast to other examples
F. Singled out as leader by Aslan
a. Let the prince win his spurs
b. P 142 " you shall be high king"
G. Symbolic and actual renaming of Peter

Symbolism of The Stone Table
- Religious Representation of the Old Law
- Compared to 10 commandments
In a letter to one of his young readers, C. S. Lewis explained the connection. The Stone Table loosely represents

the Old Law, the Ten Commandments handed to Moses on Mt. Sinai.
In later chapters, you will learn that the Stone Table is covered in ancient writing, just like the tablets God

gave to Moses. Keep this connection in mind; its importance will become clear later on. You can read the story of

the stone tablets in Exodus 24.
Class Wrap - Up
1. Reminder to Read Chapters 13-15, also Mark Chapters 14 -16 in your bible and to bring bibles

2. Optional Quiz Handout and Showcase Handout

3. Time for showcase

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