March 8, 2006

Their Giggles

Putting my kids to bed tonight and listening to their giggles and laughter I know that is what I will miss. Already Rhiannon laughs so much less, which is sad to me. Still I have Ciaran and Sirah with their infectious laughter, giggles and smiles. I just want to bottle them forever.

When my house is quiet and my kids are off at college, I think I will really miss these giggles. Heck in just a few years I will miss the giggles and the big hugs around my neck - where they never let go.

I have not felt like my kids have grown up too quickly and I am enjoying each stage and think I will enjoy them as they get older even more. But these giggles and laughter, these are precious, to be treasured and adored.



  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I still get some of those big hugs around my neck from my 9 yo, so you may have a few years left. :)They are truly to be treasured.

  2. Thanks for the reminder. Too many nights I shush the giggles under threat of sleeping in their own beds (they love to sleepover together in the same bed). Why do I do that? We don't have a start time in the morning, no reason they can't stay up and giggle to their hearts' content. It just bugs me for some reason. I really need to find the joy, maybe even go in and giggle with them. Thanks Tenn!
