April 11, 2006

Spring Fever in Homeschooling

We are in the throes of spring fever and the desire to be outside all the time. A common struggle for many homeschoolers I imagine. It also brings home the reality that we need to finish up school because it is only going to get harder each day.

So far we have been using the good weather as motivation. We have found ourselves done with school around 11am each day so we can be outside the rest of the day. Sometimes we stop and take a break in the middle of the day and then get back to school in the afternoon after we have had several hours outside.

I am thankful we homeschool on days like yesterday. As the weather hit over 70 yesterday we were outside by 11am and took a walk and spent the afternoon outside. We came home and took some rest time and Rhia finished up one last subject and then it was back outside to play with the neighbors until dinner time. I headed back outside after the kids were in bed to relax and read on my deck in the cool breeze.

How does spring affect your homeschool? What are strategies you use?


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Just another Twin Cities homeschooler saying hello! I came across your blog while trying to find info about a class at the Children's museum on Mandarin Chinese -- I think it was a pretty old post about colors and numbers!

    We're pretty new to homeschooling, so spring is a boon to my kids and me -- mom (that is, I) tend to be a bit uptight about schedules and routines, so the gorgeous weather helps me to loosen up a bit, get us all out for exercise and stress-relief (did I mention that I'm uptight? or that my oldest is a bit high-strung like me?).

    I'm schooling my nearly 7 year old daughter, who is loving the Rosetta Stone Chinese program. At this point our approach is more of a basics plus our special interests: reading, math, religion, music, and Chinese. In the fall we are thinking of adopting some aspects of Classical homeschooling for science and history. And my 7yo is interested in Latin too -- I've told her we'll have to see how things are going with all the other stuff first!

    Nice to "meet" you!
