April 2, 2006

Two Year curriculm

When I purchased our different curriculum books this year I knew it was possible I would use them for two years - I am happy to say that we still like them enough to use them next year, with a few modifications.

Here is what we have been using this year:

- various classics, legends, folktales and historical fiction
Math - Miquon orange and red workbooks
Copywork - bible verses, poetry and cursive handwriting practice
Phonics - Phonics Pathways (which we gave up mid year once reading well)
Language Arts - First Language Lessons
Spelling - online age appropriate spelling list
Bible - My Father's World bible, the picture bible and making an illustrated bible
History - Story of the World Vol I
Science - old classic style science texts, Christian Liberty Nature Readers, nature journal
Music - studying works of one composer per quarter (Vivaldi, Bach, Beethoven)
Art - study works of a great artist per quarter (Monet, Van Gogh, Cassat)

Next Years Curriculum Plan

- Ambleside Online Year Two Books
Math - Miquon blue and green workbooks
Copywork - bible verses, poetry and cursive handwriting practice
Phonics - possibly Explode the Code
Language Arts - First Language Lessons
Bible - Karen Henley's Story Bible
History - Story of the World Vol II
Science - possibly Apologia Creation through Botany, nature journal
Music - studying works of one composer per quarter (TBD)
Instrument - begin one (TBD)
Art - study works of a great artist per quarter (TBD), beginner art techniques
Latin -

So I am happy with the choices we made and it makes planning next year quite easy since we will just keep following the same format for the most part. We are getting our money's worth out of the books we choose and still look forward to working with them next year. Just thought I would share what has been working for our family.


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