May 13, 2007

Gifts and Lessons from my Mother

My mom has been with me from the beginning and seen me through so much and I love and appreciate her far more than a simple blog post can say, but I thought I would post just a few of the things that my mother has given me. Gifts and personality traits, life lessons that have made me into the person I am today. Just a few of the highlights.

My mother has taught me:

To be bold no matter what the world thinks

To give my children wide and unusual experiences

To love my children unconditionally

To rise above the circumstances even when odds are against you

To love, support, encourage, help, and thank my friends

To be generous and giving with my time, money, and talents

To stand up and fight for what I believe in

To give my kids the freedom to become who they are designed and want to be

My mother has given me:
My life, my education, the skills I needed to become who I am and continues to love me.

Thanks mom. Thanks for all you have given me, as I strive to pass those gifts and lessons on to my own children. Though I know we are apart today - we are always together. For I am made up of you and of Dad, not just in DNA but in who I am, who I have been and who I will become. Each day I see a little more of you in me. Thank you for all you have done for me and our family and for who you are. You are more special than you know.

All my love,

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