February 15, 2007

Science Experiments in the Fridge

Well they certainly were NOT intentional. It was interesting to see how well fungus can grow on old hummus. Not to mention what vegetable curry smells like after too long and the vegetarian pea soup was not something anyone would eat as leftovers. A few peppers with some interesting growths on them as well. At least my fridge is more empty now and I was amazed to learn how well my tupperware contained the smell - I had no idea until I opened them, wow!

Anything growing in your fridge that needs to be liberated today?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Thank you for your continued inspiration. I have shared your response to my last post and your "Top Ten reasons not to be my kid..." with several friends. My list would be so much longer. I read somewhere that we spend half of our lives growing from what our parents teach us and half our lives recovering from it. When I survey my (ever-expanding) litany of sub-standard mothering episodes, I remind myself that they have to have SOMETHING to recover from! I think it must be very fun to be one of your kids. It certainly has been fun reading about them. Thanks, again.

