January 27, 2004

Good friends... Sometimes in our busy lives I think it is easy to overlook our friendships and not say thank you or take time to appreciate those that mean so much to us. This morning we haven't gotten much school done yet because we had a playdate with some friends we hadn't seen in awhile. The girls go to church together and see each other in Sunday school but as moms we haven't managed a playdate in awhile. Reason being, our schedules fill up quickly or we have other things come up (sick kids, husband's work, church responsibilities, etc) and we need to reschedule. The thing that I appreciate about this friend is she is easy to understand and accept when life happens and we need to change the plans of the day. At this stage in our life our days can be unpredictable and we often need to change the momentum and plans to fit the needs of the moment, I love friends that can understand and appreciate this and go with the flow. I have several very good friends - who no matter what understand when life happens and you can understand when life happens to them - it is nice to have the kind of relationship that can pick up where it left off and move forward from that point. I hope you too have friends like this in your life, they are worth so much. So thank you to all of you and take a moment to thank those people in your life.


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