January 26, 2004

Rhythm of our day..,. This afternoon has been good - Rhiannon and I read another phonics reader - she is really doing very well - it is so much fun to be a part of. She also worked on matching number sets up to 12. We had some nice reading time and got quite a bit read. We played dress up all together and did some fashion plates. Ciaran recited Hot Cross Buns and Rhia practiced her Irish step dance. Sirah and I read some books, played peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake and "This little piggy". Ciaran took a two hour nap which made Rhiannon's reading time go better. We sat in the library together so dad could hear her reading from the office while he did his work. Then she began stringing a necklace together and Ciaran is now helping her finish it. A nice moment where they are actually cooperating to accomplish a task - I should probably go get the video camera out! I even got some quiet time today. I'm trying to read through the bible in a year and be faithful about journaling, I'm running about 50-50 so far this month, but it is a start. Not sure the kids are going to get outside today, that may have to wait until tomorrow - but it certainly isn't like the snow is going anywhere! Off to start dinner and set the kids up with their Nature Notebooks while I make it (what that is I am still unsure). Today I'm going to have them draw the snow covered yard while they listen to the Winter movement from Vivaldi.


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