January 2, 2004

Weekly Roundup... Rhiannon asked me the other day when all the craziness would stop. Between prodromal labor, Sirah joining our family, moving and the holidays we have been crazy non-stop since mid August. Some days I think my kids look at me and wonder where there mommy went. I keep reminding myself that this is only a season. However, some days it feels like a very long season that I want to be over. So I'm trying to compromise more and have more playtime for them - with me and with other kids.

Earlier this week we had another 3 year old boy come over for awhile (his mom just had a baby last week) and it was great for everyone. We played cars, blocks and animals. The kids played Candyland and with flash cards. They built a fire and a castle. They ran around and played many imaginary games. We sat in the library and read several books and we ate dinner and calmed down. All in all it was a great day. Though I am glad we only have 3 under 5 and my heart goes out to those with more than that in this age range!

The next day we had two families from our support group come over to play and help out with the kids so I could unpack. It was very nice and I even got something accomplished! Then we had a day of errand running and the New Year's eve party which was a blast and then a nice relaxed family day at home. Today I have tried to finish up the unpacking and cleaning so we can start a more "normal" life next week.

We have a calm weekend ahead of us and then I hope to start our "routine" next week. We have a field trip planned, a playdate and the first preschool cooperative class for Ciaran, it should be a good week.


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