May 17, 2005

Mom's Best Friend - Digital Voice Recorder

OK I begin this by acknowledging that I am a techie, I am an early adopter and I am a geek. But I will also say that I have low patience for things that are complicated and a lot of work, Serona is much better with things like that. I am also a forgetful, scrap of paper kind of person. I haven't been able to effectively use a day planner since college, I have gone trhough Palm Pilots and just find them impractical to use with kids, the stylus is still too much work and as I have several computers it just did not sync well to keep all my info in one place. I still have it but it was not useful in some of the ways I had hoped.

I recently broke down and bought a new toy and I love it. Easy to use, effective for its purpose, multi-purposed, small and lightweight. I just bought this Digital Voice Recorder from Wal-Mart a few weeks ago.

I use it for a variety of things and I really like it. So far I have used it to remember appointments, errands, and things I want to blog. I have the kids do their narrations on their which I can then easily transfer to the computer or audio blogger. We also take it with us on walks so we can record what we are seeing on our nature walks. For example we bring a nature guide with us to look things up, then I or the kids can say what it is and when we come home we have an easy list to remember. I recently went away on vacation and I had each of the kids record me a message so I had it with me. Of course listening to Sirah sing "winkle tar" (twinkle twinkle star) made me miss her all the more!

It is relatively cheap for all the conveinances it gives me. For under thirty dollars I think it is great! I use it for homeschooling, household and personal use and for my kids. You can save things in different folders and each time you record something it creates a new file so it is easy to go back through and find what you are looking for and erase it when you are done. No tapes to mess with, 3 hours of recording and normal batteries. It is a good value for the money. Hope it can help someone out!

PS: Thanks Dad in Maine for the inspiration, I was walking around a park with the kids and I was frustrated I knew I would not remember what we had seen and I thought of you and the way you use your tape recorder!


1 comment:

  1. My husband just bought a one and I am dying to use it after he figures the whole thing out. I am too lazy to read how to use it. Would you believe I have a degree in Computer Science and I am so "untechie" it's amazing.
