June 13, 2005

Another reason to homeschool

Parents in Shrewsbury Massachusetts are rightly outraged that their school district will not allow the to view a copy of the survey their sixth grade children were given at school, which included several sexually explicit questions.

When asked to view the survey the parents were told that:

"The school committee in Shrewsbury will not allow parents to view copies of the survey because they feel parents will "misinterpret" the questions."

Parents are rightly angry. No matter how you feel about 6th grade students being asked questions about their sex lives the parents should be able to view what their children are being asked. One parent when interviewed stated:

"Still, Fisher -- who has an 11-year-old daughter in the school system -- says there is a great deal of anger among parents in his neighborhood and across the town.

"First, [because] of the contents of the survey -- and then secondly, [because] we have been purposely kept in the dark and [are being] made to feel as though we're backward, we're ignorant, [and] we would misinterpret these questions," the Massachusetts father remarks. "The problem is, we interpret them correctly. It's the school department that is misinterpreting these questions [and] seeing nothing wrong with them."

To read more view the article from AgapePress news.


1 comment:

  1. Scary. I shared it on my blog as well. Thank you for posting it.
