January 12, 2005

Household Maintenance

Today has been a household day. Cleaning, Bills, Laundry, Organizing and the Like. Here is an update

Number of Rooms Picked Up: 9
Number of Rooms Vacummed: 7 and two hallways
Loads of Laundry Completed (washed, folded and put away): 3
Number in Progress: 3
Number of Rooms Swept: 3
Number of Rooms Mopped: 3
Number of Times Kitchen Cleaned: 3
Number of times up and down the stairs: too numerous to count

Number of Bills Paid: 8
Number of Library Book Renewed: Too Many to Count


  1. I just have to say I love your perspective on this. In a family council last week we talked with our children about the importance of us all working together to keep our home in order so that we can feel the Spirit here. I did mention that it's also a way we show our gratitude to our Heavenly Father who has poured out so many blessings upon us, and that having a messy house shows ingratitude. However, I like the idea of "stewardship," I'm sure I can find good scripture material on that, and I'm going to talk about that in our next family council.

