October 6, 2004

Friends and Politics

We spent the morning running errands and in power struggles. Ciaran decided today was opposite day - mom says get up - I'll lay down, mom says clean - I'll make more mess, mom says put on pants, I'll take off my clothes. I was drained before 11am. A friend of mine stopped by to pick up tickets to see the President this weekend and we had a wonderful visit. The kids went to the park and played there for awhile and then enjoyed our walk back. They played in our basement and had snacks and made a general mess but had a great time. My friend and I had plenty of time to talk and catch up.

After they left we made dinner and then headed back to BC headquarters and picked up more tickets to walk and knock on doors. It is not every day you have the opportunity to offer people free tickets to hear the President speak. You could see the doubt in many faces and I got a few - What do I need to do or How much does it cost looks? Then the pleasure that came with knowing that it truly was free. We gave away about 40 tickets in an hour and a half. Not bad work for the past two days. We have distributed around 100 tickets to see the president, put up 7 lawn signs in our neighborhood and have a waiting list of several more while we await shipment of more signs. We knocked on nearly 75 doors in the past two days, helped register a voter and get other volunteers involved. We've made lawn signs and information sheets and spent time just up at headquarters. We got set up to volunteer for the Get Out the vote activities for election day weekend and the kids got some treats for all their hard work.

We also did some school work this morning: copywork and reading. Rhiannon was able to read whole pages from Don Freeman's Courdorouy and from a Winnie the Pooh Disney book. I would randomly open to a page so she could not just do it from memory. I was so proud of her she was reading a variety of tough words as well. She has really been developing her reading skills.

For copywork we did another Rule of Civility - our 6th. She also worked on some math numeral writing practice and graphing and charting skills. We read some read aloud books tonight and made a sand art project.

I'm exhausted and off to bed.

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