October 21, 2003

FLYing while selling our home... Many of you have heard me talk about FLY lady and how she has helped us get our lives and home in order. It is from her that I stole my "I can do ANYTHING for 15 minutes" philosophy to life. Well the recent experience of getting the house in order for the selling made me write the following "testimonial" to her:


I just wanted to say Thank You! You have helped us during a very stressful time in our lives. We are in the process of selling our home and we had one week to get it on the market. During that week we had to recarpet and repaint nearly everything. We have been living in CHAOS as we moved through that week and then we had a little under 48 hours to set up, clean and decorate our home after the carpeting was laid. It was crazy, especially since we have a newborn baby, and 2 and 4 year old siblings!

But we were able to FLY through the task 15 minutes at a time. With our timer in hand we moved throughout the house and got it all shiny and clean in the time we needed. But FLYing hasn't stopped there. You can imagine how tough it is to keep a home with three small children in "showing" condition at all times, but we are doing it!

The morning and evening routines have been changed slightly so that our house looks like it could be shown every night before we go to bed and in the morning when we wake up we do the maintenance cleaning and dusting to keep it shiny and new! I keep on top of the kids throughout the day and never let the whole house get beyond 15 minutes from clean. We never leave the house without it looking like it needs to for someone to see it. The whole process has made me realize that I am keeping my house clean for "other" people shouldn't I keep it this clean for us? It has been tough but you are helping us on our way, hopefully our new house can look this shiny and clean as well.

Flybaby in MN

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