October 28, 2003

A fun and easy service project for homeschoolers... Scholastic Book Clubs is sponsoring a great program called ClassroomsCare. A description of the program from the website:

ClassroomsCare is a classroom reading program designed to teach children about the joy and importance of reading and giving. For each class that reads 100 books by December 31, Scholastic Book Clubs donates 100 new books to one of its charity partners — up to a total donation of two million books! This year's charity partners are: First Book, the "I Have a Dream" Foundation, Reach Out and Read and Save the Children. Each of these organizations gets the books into the hands of children in extremely under-resourced schools and communities in the United States.

Our homeschool support group is going to do this as a classroom but part of me wonders if each individual family shouldn't register as a class as many of us will read close to that many books in our own household over the next two months! We will keep track of our book reads here. I encourage you to look into this for your homeschool or homeschool community, as I will hazard a guess that many of you have reading families.


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